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Visas de trabajo en Canadá


How to Obtain a Work Visa and Work Permit?

Types of Canadian Work Permits

Tipos de permisos de trabajo canadienses

Canadá ofrece tres programas principales de permisos de trabajo:

  • Programa de Trabajadores Extranjeros Temporales (TFWP) Este programa exige una Evaluación de Impacto en el Mercado Laboral (LMIA) para los extranjeros que buscan un permiso de trabajo. La LMIA ayuda a los empleadores a demostrar al gobierno canadiense que contratar a un trabajador extranjero no afectará negativamente a la fuerza laboral local. El departamento federal de Empleo y Desarrollo Social de Canadá (ESDC) garantiza que el empleo de trabajadores extranjeros no desplace a los trabajadores canadienses ni reduzca sus salarios.

  • Programa de Movilidad Internacional (IMP)

Este programa permite a los extranjeros obtener un permiso de trabajo sin la necesidad de una LMIA.

  • Programa de Permiso de Trabajo Posgraduado (PGWP) Los estudiantes internacionales que se gradúan de la universidad reciben un Permiso de Trabajo Abierto a través del Programa de Permiso de Trabajo Posgraduado (PGWP). El titular de un Permiso de Trabajo Abierto puede trabajar para cualquier empleador canadiense sin tener una oferta de trabajo confirmada previamente.

Cambios en el programa de permisos de trabajo para estudiantes internacionales en Canadá después de la graduación

On October 4, the government of Canada announced additional changes to the post-graduation work permit (PGWP) program.  


From: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

New eligibility requirements below do not apply to you:

  • If you apply for a PGWP before November 1, 2024, you only need to meet the current eligibility criteria.

  • If you apply for a PGWP as a graduate from a PGWP eligible flight school, you only need to meet the current eligibility criteria (even after November 1, 2024).

  • If you submitted your study permit application before November 1, 2024, and are applying for a PGWP on or after November 1, 2024, you must meet the new requirement that applies to your situation.


New eligibility requirements apply to you:

  1. If you submitted your study permit application before November 1, 2024, and are applying for a PGWP on or after November 1, 2024, you must also meet the new requirement that applies to your situation.

  • If you graduated with a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctoral degree from a university:

    • Language requirement: You must prove your English or French language skills with a minimum level of Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) 7 in English or Niveaux de competence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) 7 in French in all 4 language areas.

  • If you graduated in any other university program:

    • Language requirement: You must prove your English or French language skills with a minimum level of CLB 7 in English or NCLC 7 in French in all 4 language areas.

  • If you graduated from a college program or any other program not listed above:

    • Language requirement: You must prove your English or French language skills with a minimum level of CLB 5 in English or NCLC 5 in French in all 4 language areas.


   2. If you submit your study permit application on or after November 1, 2024, you must also meet the new     

       requirements that apply to your situation to be eligible to apply for a PGWP.

  • If you graduated from a university bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctoral degree program:

    • Language requirement: You must prove your English or French language skills with a minimum level of Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) 7 in English or Niveaux de competence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) 7 in French in all 4 language areas.

    • Field of study requirement: All fields of study are eligible. There is no additional field of study requirement.

  • If you graduated from any other university program:

    • Language requirement: You must prove your English or French language skills with a minimum level of CLB 7 in English or NCLC 7 in French in all 4 language areas.

    • Field of study requirement: You must graduate in an eligible field of study.

  • If you graduated from a college program or any other program not listed above:

    • Language requirement: You must prove your English or French language skills with a minimum level of CLB 5 in English or NCLC 5 in French in all 4 language areas.

    • Field of study requirement: You must graduate in an eligible field of study.


Field of study requirement

If your study program has a field of study requirement, you must graduate from a program linked to certain occupations in long-term shortage.

The fields of study are divided into 5 broad categories:

  • agriculture and agri-food

  • healthcare

  • science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)

  • trade

  • transport

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